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February 2020
with (LA)HORDE
Marine Brutti, Arthur Harel, Johnathan Debrouwer
& the dancers of Ballet National de Marseille
Sarah Abicht, Daniel Alwell, Mathieu Aribot, Malgorzata Czajowska, Clara Davidson, Myrto Georgiadi, Vito Giotta, Nathan Gombert, Nonoka Kato, Kelly Keesing, Yoshiko Kinoshita, Angel Martinez Hernandez, Filippo Nannucci, Tomer Pistiner, Aya Sato, Dovydas Strimaitis, Elena Valls Garcia, Nahimana Vandenbussche
Art direction
Temple Office
Creative direction
Alice Gavin
CG Watkins
Thomas Santos
Ruby Glossy
BNM, villa Noailles, Temple Magazine